This diverse show consists of East Kentucky artists Carla Gover and Yani Vozos, Mexican-American Dancer and musician, Paulina Vazquez, and Andean Instrument Master, Fernando Moya. The show mixes Appalachian, Andean, and Mexican music, dance, and stories. Audiences will see and hear instruments such as the banjo, Appalachian Dulcimer, guitar, charango, zampoñas and quenas (Andean flutes), various drums, and rhythms made by dancing feet. They'll hear (and maybe sing along with) traditional songs of Mexico, Kentucky, and Ecuador, sung in English and Spanish. They will see and compare flatfoot dancing from Appalachia and several styles of colorful Ballet Folklórico from Mexico.
FREE admission at the BAC thanks to funding from our partners at the National Endowment of the Arts.